<<Union of School-Centres>> union of legal entities invites secondary schools registered in the territory of the Republic of Armenia to participate in small grants competition. The goal of the competition is to promote to the implementation of schools development programs, the investment and dissemination of the pedagogical innovations, the expansion of the collaborative network among schools. The grant programs must be directed to:
- implementation of scientific research studies on pedagogical themes.
- implementation of secondary objective programs.
- implementation of psycho-pedagogical researches and assessments.
- organization of acitivites related to implementation of inclusive education.
- implementation of researches and analysis related to reform projects.
- organization of short thematic trainings.
- creation of ICT resource database( electronic thematic plans, tests, presentations and etc.)
- implementation of educational activities improvement project.
- The improvement of internal assessment of the educational quality system.
- Introduction of teaching modern methods directed to the development of students’ practical skills.
- The formation of necessary preconditions for the vocational orientation of students and further education.
- Organization of students self-government bodies’ activities.
- Activities directed to students safety and health.
- Implementation of projects promoting to school-parent-community relations strengthening.
- Organization of professional assistance, dissemination of best pedagogical practices.
- Introduction of other projects arising from the school development program.
The maximum grant ammount is 1.000.000. For more information and downloading the form of grant proposal /application/ contact on www and www web-pages. Grant-proposals are accepted till 20/03/2014 including working days from 9:00 to 18:00 a.m in the following address: Tigran Mets 3 lane, area 17. For questions contact on “Union of School-Centres” union of legal entities on the following number: / 010/ 55 30 04 or with the address: